Fungus on toe Problem, is of concern to many. Itching, burning and unsightly appearance of the skin and nails is only a small part of it. The disease is dangerous the complications, the healing even more difficult. However, to cope with the Problem, if you are serious about the treatment of a fungal infection (mycosis).

Why did the fungus on the feet?
Mushrooms – it is pathogens a type of infection, effects on the skin. It is difficult arranged and extremely vital micro-organisms. Therefore, fungal diseases require a serious and comprehensive approach to treatment.
Fungi have preferred habitats on the skin. Above all, it is the skin of the toes and nails. The reason for this is clear – the feet are usually inside of the Shoe, within which is a lot of moisture and dirt accumulates, but also very hot. So in the case of fungi on the feet, lots of food and a favorable micro-climate for propagation. Some types of complex fungi often on the skin and other types of fungi, such as yeast and fungal species, prefer nail plate. Also possible is the simultaneous infection with multiple species of mushrooms.
The development of the fungi to promote the toes are:
- reduced local and General immunity;
- lack of Hygiene Stop;
- uncomfortable and tight shoes;
- irregular change of socks or stockings;
- the wearing of socks or stockings made of synthetic, do not miss air materials;
- regularly under-cooling or overheating of the feet;
- Blood circulation disorders in the legs;
- Varicose veins;
- chronic cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes mellitus;
- long-term treatment with antibiotics;
- excessive sweating of the feet;
- the deficiency in an organism of vitamins and minerals;
- mechanical damage to the skin, corns, injuries stop;
- obesity, excessive physical stress on the foot;
- irregular cutting of nails on the feet.
The most important of these factors – reduced immunity, and blood circulation disorders in the legs. Reduced immunity can occur due to various causes. In General, a severe chronic disease, especially infectious diseases. The immune system also may decline because of HIV, intake of immunosuppressants, in the case of oncological diseases. Not less important is, and disorders of blood circulation in the toes due to diseases of the vessels, of the blood, Diabetes mellitus, Smoking.
Tinea pedis may develop in men and women. In adults, they occur more frequently than in children.
Some species of fungi live permanently on the skin is activated, and only in unfavourable circumstances, for example, fungi of the genus Candida. And other types of human-to-human. An infection can when you visit the gym, the Sauna, the shower room, if the person does not benefit from the personal shoes. Also a significant risk of infection to the people, the strange shoes or socks in there, or the other people to use them. The infection is often carried out with the use of the same towel, manicure sets, etc factors that increase the likelihood of an infection – cuts on the surface of the skin, the deformation of the nail plate.
Symptoms of a fungal infection on the toes
The main symptoms of a fungal infection of the feet – itching and burning. Also, it can lead to redness, small blisters, increased flaking and coarsening of the skin, unpleasant odor. The first symptoms of a fungal infection of the skin can be confused with simple irritation.
Symptoms of onychomycosis
The fungus affects not only the skin, but also nails. The latest variant of Mycosis onychomycosis called. The main Symptom of onychomycosis – a change in the structure and the type of the nail, its increased fragility. The nail is yellow, in its surface, the furrows and cracks appear, the nail plate is thickened and deformed. If you do not treat the nail will gradually peel off from the nail bed and be destroyed.
Looks like fungus on the Finger: photo
You should not use the diagnostic set solely on the basis of the photos. The diagnosis should be made by a qualified skin doctor.
Only he can determine the type of fungus. It may be necessary, not only the external inspection of the feet, but also laboratory tests skin scrapings.

However, some evidence, at least from the distance as depicted on the photos – is a cause for concern and treatment to a doctor.
The treatment of the disease is complex and is at home under the supervision of a physician.
The fungus on the little Finger
The fungus can penetrate the skin to beat any toe of the foot. But little Finger on the leg most prone to infection. Finger into the tight shoes often compressed, making the skin scratch and blood circulation arise. In the case of the defeat of the nail of the little finger, the disease very quickly, develops faster than any other nail. In the case of infection of the little finger, the infection can quickly touch and other fingers.
The fungus on the little Finger of the legs are safe again, just like the fungus on other parts of the skin. When onihomicose of the nail of the little finger most efficient output can not record with the removal of the nail. This is an Operation brings great inconvenience to the patients, because of the nail on the little Finger grows quickly. However, until the nail grows back (it can take 3-4 months), you must have the Anti-fungal medication for the prophylaxis of reinfection.
Treatment of fungus on the toes?
The treatment of athlete's foot you should start at the first disturbing symptoms. First and foremost, you need to consult a dermatologist for the diagnosis. Before the start of the therapy you have to be the fact of the presence of fungus and the type of pathogenic microorganisms. With this aim, a doctor of skin scrapings, or cuts a piece of nail (with the defeat of the nail). The analysis of the blood revealed blood on the sugar. Fungal infections of the skin need to differentiate the holding of:
- other infectious diseases of the skin;
- allergic reactions;
- Dermatoses caused by Diabetes, vascular disease, Stress, and nervous diseases.
For the therapy of fungal infections in the feet most often, the local agent (Sprays, ointments, creams) are. Only in severe cases, the doctor may anti-prescribe antifungal pills. The most frequently used tablets with fluconazole, itrakonazolom, is terbinafine.
The treatment is based on the use of anti-biotic agents. This kind of drug contains substances that kill fungi (fungicides) or termination of its propagation.
Also, local products are anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic properties. Anti-bacterial agents are assigned when a festering, that is to say, occurs to a fungal infection, a bacterial. Anti-inflammatory drugs well with unpleasant symptoms – itching and burning. But they have no influence on the underlying cause of the disease – pathogens. The keratolytic agents include zinc, sulfuric acid and sulfur-salicylic ointment. They accelerate the Regeneration of skin tissue by speeding up exfoliation of the deceased Epidermis.
For the treatment of fungal infections of the feet baths with antiseptic solutions of potassium permanganate, iodine, salt, baking soda, boric acid apply. The bathroom is best to sleep for 20 minutes. For the avoidance of infection by spores healthy skin to process make chlorhexidine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate. For the treatment of onychomycosis of the paints to be used with antifungal substances. These coatings of the nail plate.
Ointments and creams on the previously washed and clean the skin with the frequency that the instructions for the product. The area of application of the ointment should be slightly larger than the area of the visible lesions. For applying varnish on the nail plate, the nail, the steam must have sanded his jagged edges with a file, and the surface of the nail defatted alcoholic solution.
In folk medicine, for the elimination of fungal infestation of the feet, decoction of herbs – chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort, peppermint, solution of vinegar, onion and lemon juice can be used.
What to do if the fungus on the Finger goes?
In the treatment of fungal infestation is a long and difficult process. Fungal microorganisms are very tenacious, and for a couple of days to get rid of is impossible. Sometimes many months, required a careful therapy. The therapy for a single day should not be interrupted. Treatment of onychomycosis does not end, as long as a new, healthy nail plate is.

It is also important take into account other factors associated with the development of the disease. The non-observance of the Hygiene of the skin and an optimal temperature control can be reduced to zero to all therapeutic efforts. This means that it is necessary to regularly wash them to stop the surface of the skin, to avoid overheating or under cooling. It is also important to avoid mechanical damage to the skin, excessive exposure of the foot, cuts and injuries. Being overweight increases the pressure on the feet, so that, if you can think of on the abundance, value, in addition to in order to lose weight.
If the Patient wears constantly infected mushroom shoes, is not going to help, no hard drugs, because it is the place of the dead microorganisms will be a new take. Therefore, you need to get rid of all the factors contributing to a re-infestation. Not socks feet into someone's shoes. Socks must be carefully washed, and changed regularly. The inner surface of the Shoe should carefully spray the Anti-fungal agent.
To analyze in case of persistent avium General health. Perhaps the cause of the violation of the immunity and the blood circulation in the legs helps. So maybe you should get a full investigation to find and eliminate problems with the heart, blood, vessels, organs of the endocrine system.
Finally, it is not excluded that micro-organisms have only the resistance to the used antimicrobial agents. Then it will be necessary to change medication. Maybe the anti need microbial drugs in tablets. The dosage of drugs needs to pick up dermatologist specialist.